Programme Coordinator, Christeen MESSAGE


Santhosh T.

Programme Coordinator, Christeen

Jesus said “let the children come to me, do not stop them (Mat: 19:14). Jesus loved children and he wants them to be the instruments to spread the Good News. “Out of the lips of babies and infants you have built up praise because of your foes, to silence the enemy and the rebel” (Ps 8:2). Jesus wants them to engage in God’s business while they are small (Luke 2:52). Children should be strengthened by the Holy Spirit like John the Baptist (Luke 1:15). To fight against evil like young Daniel (Daniel 13:45), like the small boy who shared the five loaves of bread and two fishes (John 6:9) like the slave girl who made her master Naman and the whole of Syria know about God. Our Children should share Jesus in the places where they live. 
The role of children in Evangelization cannot be substituted. Like the yester years, children should be encouraged to witness Christ, as how we encourage them to become doctors, engineers and other professionals. This process only can make them a complete human.